Thursday, January 28, 2010

Almost four months post op.

Well a few updates. Christmas morning, Louie, our ten year old dog passed away unexpectadely. It is the most heartbroken I've been in years....still miss him =[

Next news...unlike all you lucky people I haven't got my braces off, but hopefully within the next two months!
I'm still numb, it's annoying. And its not a surface numb in my chin, its a deep numbing which is almost worst, it feels like my muscle are pulled tight all the time.
I'm SOOOO glad I got the surgery, but when will this numbness go away!?!?



  1. I am so sorry about your dog. How sad. :( And I am sure you will get your braces off soon... your teeth look good. haha. Keep us posted.
    Love and Support Always, Makay

  2. Hi Maddy,

    I have been looking through your jaw surgery and orthodontic treatment blog and I think it is an excellent example of how such treatment can make a real difference to a person’s smile and confidence. It is great when patients decide to blog about their treatment as it demonstrates to others just how beneficial such treatment can be, even if it is a gruelling journey at times.

    I am writing to you as I feel your followers could benefit from a link to the which would not only give your followers access to information concerning orthodontic treatment and TMJ disorder but about a whole host of dental treatment.

    The Cosmetic Dentistry Guide is the leading provider of cosmetic dental information online in the UK, and includes a forum as well as an expert answers section, so if you have any questions then feel free to ask.

    Our topics include:

    Orthodontics -
    TMJ Disorder -

    Our homepage is:

    I hope your treatment is going well and don’t worry, then you get the braces off finally it will be worth the wait. Also, sirry to hear about your loss and hope you are doing alright.

    Kind regards and keep up the good work with your blog.

